Saturday, January 24, 2015


It is true high school students far surpass the average teacher when it comes to the use of technology. But while you may be a whiz with the internet, it will take some guidance to learn how to use it respectfully in a professional environment.

"Netiquette" is the term used to describe the proper way to conduct oneself online. Here, I have narrowed down the guidelines to what I find most important and would expect of my students.
  1. Keep e-mails concise and use a professional tone.
  2. Use correct grammar and spelling in anything school or work related. This means no texting language.
  3. Introduce yourself, regardless if the recipient knows it is you.
  4. Avoid unnecessary capitalizing, UNLESS YOU WANT EVERYONE TO THINK YOU'RE SCREAMING.
  5. Do not post anything online that you would not a want a future employer to see. Your digital reputation is important.
  6. Keep profiles on social media sites set to private.
  7. If you have unwanted contact online, do not respond, block contact and report it to me or another adult you are comfortable telling.
  8. Only use secure websites and do not post personal information.
  9. Use strong passwords and change them regularly.
  10. Do not on any occasion engage in cyberbullying.
Here is a link for proper e-mail formatting:

For a challenge here is a link about netiquette in German:

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