Monday, April 13, 2015

Creative Technologies

Keeping yourself current in technological advances is important in the classroom. Not only can it keep your students more engaged, it can increase creativity and efficiency. For example, if I were conducting a class that was learning about a historical landmark in Germany, such as the Brandenburg Gate, I could use an augmented reality tool to create a 3-D image that can be manipulated by the students with their iPads. Below is a picture that explains the idea.
By using certain apps, students could create scenes of how this iconic landmark looked throughout history or how they think it might appear in the future. This would be a more interactive and meaningful learning experience.
Staying with the theme of 3-D learning tools, a possibility when taking my students on foreign exchange trips is using mobile augmented reality apps. When standing at a historic site, mobile phones can be used like a time machine. An awesome example is shown in the video below.

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